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W. Graham Adams
Dawn E. Anderson (Pegram)
Lucky Anderson
Carolyn Andrews (Andrews-Al…)
Thomas Anton
Tim Apple
Sheila Arney (Edwards)
Susan Bachmann (Liles)
Mike Bailey
Terry Bane
Stephen J. Bartis
Susan Baucom (Cooke)
A. Fleming Bell
Tom Berry
Terri Bos (Foy)
Debbie Bowman
Scott Brannan
Susan Braswell (Black)
Janice Bray (Bradner)
W. Scott Brogan
Barry M. Brogdon
Patricia Brown (Manuel)
C. Richard Bruning
Gail Buchanan
Hank Bullard
Jamie Bullard (Ewing)
Alice Bullington (Davis)
Lewis Canter
Sandra Canter (Terrell)
Pamela Carlson
Janis (Jan) Cates (Wagoner)
Donna Chadwick (Sollosi)
Bill Chambers
Bill Chappell
Mark Clapp
Trisha Clayton (Abee)
Charlie Clegg
Rick Cobb
John Cocklereece
John Constantinou
Elizabeth Contogiannis
Betty Ann Cooke (Wooten)
Jacky Cooke
Susan Cowhig (Morrow)
Sandy Crawford (Pfeifer)
Louise Crouch (Lee)
Donna E. Culbreth (Montgomery)
Jack W. Cummings
Robert Curlee
Andrea Davis (Lary)
Jane B. Davis
Lou Ann Davis (Brisson)
Kim Dawes (Reynolds)
Cynthia L. Dawson (Beverly)
Hank DeBragga
John Debs
Deborah K. Dixon (Freund)
Diane Dixon (Linville)
James R. (Randy) Dixon
Patti Donnell (Petree)
Linda V. Doutt (Wood)
Brenda F. Duckworth (Garner)
Ken Dudley
Becky Duhan (O'Hare)
Sara Edmonds (Green)
Jacque Edwards (Gainey)
Vickie Escontrias (Dixon)
Linda Evans
William (Keith) Fields
Bill Flinn
Celia Flock
Jim Fogleman
Kay Foreman (Flinn)
John Forrester (Forrester)
Michael Fowlkes
Gina Franklin (Garrett)
Patrice Fulton (Ilharramendy)
Laura Gaebe (Kennerly)
David Garber
Eric Garner
Rob Garner
Albert M. Gibson
Julie Gibson (Scott)
William Gietz
Sandy Gilliland (Bromberg)
Emily Dora Gilmore (Nelson)
Lane (Mickey) Glasgow
Mary Grant (Erickson)
Johanna Grantham
Michael Hale Gray
Punky Gray (Keller)
Rick Haase
Elaine Harris/Finch (Hopkins)
Sharon Hatchett (Comer)
Meg Heinz (McFarland)
Holly Henley (Grant)
Janet Herman (Hiatt)
Lynn Highfill (Donovan)
Gay Hilemn
Cecil H. Hixon
William Hodges
Hank Holden
Cindy Howard (Furr)
Lou Hudson
Dee Huffines (Kegley)
Stephen Humble
Steven Iannarone
Lee Jackson (McCanna)
Robert J. Jacobs
Susan Jobe (Alcon)
Cyrus Johnson
Freddy Johnson
Chuck Jones (Jones)
Debbie Jones (Harris)
Mark N. Kaplan
Susan Kelly (Nichols)
Robert G. Kennerly, Jr.
Jack King
Vincent Knox
Jimmy C. Kontoulas
Jeff Krueck
Mary D. Lamb
Claudia Lane (Deaton)
Marilyn Lane (Lane-Morgan)
Melissa I. Lane
Richard E. Lee
Susan Lindsay (Burkart)
Karen Little (Cannon)
Robert E. (Bobby) Little
Kathy Livengood (Edwards)
Susan Lockridge (Canipe)
Rick Looman
Richard Lucas
Kathi Lukens
Charles E. (Eddie) Maness
John K. Marks
Mimi Martin (Strandberg)
Robert Mays
Nena G. McCauley (Scott)
Thomas W. McCullough
Lynn McDowell (Umstead)
Heather McFadyen (Spencer)
Eileen McFalls
Karen McLoud (Pritchett)
Mary A. McMillin (Cummings)
Lou Ann McNeill
Barbara G. Melton
Peggy Melton (Mitchell)
Lisa Midgett (Cooper)
Richard O. Millen
Carol Moffitt (Tomeo)
Patricia (Trish) Monnett (Hayes)
Pamela Monroe (Gordon)
David Moore
Dena Moore (Lee)
Harold P. Moore
Kathy K. Moore (Nelson)
Philip Moore
Melinda Morris (Fine)
Kimlyn Murray (Goodall)
Cheri Neal (Watkins)
Jane L. Neese (Rousey)
Kenneth W. Nelson
Anne Nesbit (Colvard)
Rick O'Hare
Steve Osborne
Robert W. Overman
Harriett Overton (Watson)
Susan Pacifico (Walser)
Lynn Palmer (Mills)
Gary Parker
Lawrence H. Parks
Penny Parsons
Peggy Petree (Myers)
Don Pettigrew
Liz Phillips (Winstead)
Jerry Phipps
Susan Pipan (Spivey)
Cynthia Powell (Wall)
Jane L. Powell
Pamela J. Powell (Lutz)
Paula Price (Farr)
Susan Pruitt
Parke Puterbaugh
Barbara Quigley (Forsythe)
Anne Ralls (Brackett)
Linda S. Rayle (Koontz)
Vennon Red Rayle
Rebecca Reckard
Kirt Rendleman (Austin)
Chuck Rhoades (Rhoades)
Ed Richbourg
Ron Rimmer (Rimmer)
Roy H. Rimmer
Charles W. (Bill) Ripley
Jo (Denise) Robertson (Tanner)
Rebecca Robinson (Edwards)
Barry Root
Janis Russell (Love)
Lynn Salls (Hackett)
Ted Sanders
Gary Selders (Selders)
William Shankle
Dennis Shaw
Susan Siler
Barbara Denise Smith (Cherry)
Beverly A. Smith
Bruce Smith
Janis Smith (Tucker)
Julie Smith
Daniel R. Smoak
Bill Sparks
Gail Sparrow (Ludwig)
Greg Speas
George Stearns
Terry Steed (Steed)
Susan Stephens (Kennedy)
Randy Tate (Tate)
Jeanne Thompson (Holmes)
Forrest Tilley
Cobie Troutman (Ellington)
Carolyn Tyer
Joyce Wagner (Beech)
Bootsie Walker (Pettigrew)
Keith Walters
Cynthia (Cindy) Watson (Brooks)
Debra K. Watts (Schmidt)
Don West
Carlton White
Nancy White (Holloway)
Pam White
Mike Wilhelm
Carol Williams (Williams-Gilbert)
Edwin (Mac) Williams
Jo Williams (Rayle)
Keith Williams
Marsha Williams (Lynch)
Ann Wilson (Stout)
Dale Wilson (Fulton)
John R. Wilson
Gary R. Wolf
Sally Woolfolk (Smith)
Kyle Woosley
Janet L. Wooten (Bost)
Margie Wright (Phipps)
Ginger (Virginia) Young (Reese)